We have just 24 hours to send 500,000 letters and stop Keystone XL.
It's time to pull out all the stops.
Big Oil is asking Congress to ram through the dirty, dangerous Keystone XL tar sands pipeline -- and we have just 24 hours to stop them before the vote.
Together we have stopped Keystone XL before, and we can stop it again. Please take 30 seconds right now to let Congress know that you oppose the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline.
Keystone XL would be such a disaster for clean air and water that it could never pass on the merits alone. That's why certain members of Congress, after taking Big Oil's big donations, have attached it to "must-pass" transportation bills in both the House and Senate and are forcing a vote on them this week.
Earlier this month, Sierra Club members and supporters sent over 100,000 letters to the Senate to stop a stand-alone Keystone XL bill -- and it worked. That vote was all but imminent, but thanks to your grassroots pressure, it hasn't happened yet.
Now a coalition of over a dozen environmental groups, progressive organizations, and socially minded businesses -- from CREDO Mobile to the Sierra Club to Patagonia -- are launching a 24-hour emergency campaign with the goal of sending an unprecedented 500,000 messages opposing Keystone XL.
Please contact Congress today and tell them to stand up to Big Oil by rejecting the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
Big Oil's lackeys in Congress haven't been able to pass the pipeline by itself, so they are attaching it to critical, unrelated transportation legislation instead. One of these bills would even open up the Arctic to drilling and slash critical funding for public transportation and environmental protections.
These transportation bills should be about new policies and ideas to move us beyond oil, not sweetheart deals that only make our addiction worse. But if we're going to make that happen, we have to speak up now -- we have just 24 hours to send 500,000 messages to Congress.
Draw the line against tar sands. Tell Congress today to block any efforts to revive the dangerous Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.
Thanks for all that you do to protect the environment,
Sarah Hodgdon
Sierra Club Conservation Director
P.S. After you take action, be sure to forward this alert to your friends and colleagues!