Dear Sierra Club member, Sierra Club has endorsed City Councilmember Bill Brand for Redondo Beach City Council, District #2 because we know his record of support for environmental protection. Sierra Club also supports YES on Measure A.
Don't forget to vote for the environment on Tuesday, March 5.
The Sierra Club has endorsed City Councilmember Bill Brand for reelection for Redondo Beach City Council, District #2. Vote for continued sound leadership on the critical power plant, pier and harbor revitalization issues. Protect the views and quality of life of the residents. Learn more and get involved with the campaign at: Vote YES on Measure 'A' Stop air pollution in its tracks - The Sierra Club has endorsed the No Power Plant Measure A initiative in Redondo Beach. Measure A, which would rezone AES Power plant site to eliminate the power plant, will be on the ballot for the March election. The old power plant must be shut down because it has been sucking in ocean water for cooling, and killing marine life by cooking it. AES proposes to build a new power plant there and operate it more frequently than the old one, so it will actually make more air pollution. The California Independent System Operator has implied that this plant is not needed to maintain grid reliability. Removing the power plant will remove blight, improve the waterfront, and improve Redondo Beach. No AES power plant—a new plant would increase deadly particulate emissions 5-15X. We are a non-attainment area for air quality. Sierra Club supports Measure 'A' - Vote for your right to Breathe Clean Air!
Volunteer! Please help our campaigns. Spend a couple hours campaigning, walking neighborhoods or making calls. To help please contact: Dawn Esser at |